Monday, 27 November 2017

27/11/17 - Holmside

One of the jobs on the Holmside is to make a 50mm long barrel extension that welds on the front tubeplate. It will engage with the smokebox. The boiler is shorter to facilitate the welding of the front tubeplate to the barrel, and requires an extension to fit the smokebox.

The barrel of the boiler as supplied was a standard duplex's approximately 6 -5/8" OD and is slightly larger than the smokebox itself. So a ring was machined to fit that, and make a visually acceptable transition. The cladding will fit straight onto the barrel, no lagging or space underneath as there simply isn't room!

The barrel extension will be machined from hollow bar and welded to the barrel.

In other news I have been collating a bunch of SMR drawings which I took photos of at Richmond Vale. This is for engineering reference for some 10 class.

There is a lot of cropping and editing to turn them into a printable item. However it's cheaper and probably better for old drawings to not have to endure the scanning process in the case the only scanner available is a roller scanner! Just have to deal with the fisheye effects that come with the photos.

Happy steaming!


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