Thursday, 7 June 2018

6/6-7/6/18 - Britannia

After the front buffer beam was fitted up, the rear drag beam was checked and it wasn't sitting level.
It was dsimantled and found to have some bolt holes that had been elongated and were preventing it sitting properly.  The paint was peeling.  So it was sand blasted and cleaned up and undercoated with etch primer and reassembled.  The slotted holes were driled out to clean them up and that has made it sit just fine.

The cab has some potential to look quite nicely detailed.  There's a bit of work in the platework to make it look right, fitting fasteners and doing some of the finish off jobs. The plate underneath that attaches to the drag beam will be checked out to see if we can use it.  The cab will be set up on the loco to see what has to be done to fix it up and establish where it sits.

Happy steaming!


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